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Nanpean Village Church - St.Georges Road
Nanpean Church

This excellent Anglican church has been a pivotal point in the village of Nanpean since it was built in 1879 and is dedicated to St George the Martyr. The church consists of the following aspects, an apsidal chancel, nave, and south aisle with porch, vestry, and small bell-turret at the west end of the pitched roof. For further information and history, I would refer you to the following websites whence you may find other information about the church and the parish.

At present, the church is not used for services or events as the roof is considered unsafe.

St-stephen-in-brannel-parishchurch-st-georges - StStepheninBrannel - Nanpean church - nanpean-st-george-639177

Imperial War Museum-memorial/9331

Cornwall's War History - Nanpean

The grounds are well kept and full of colour in both the summer and winter seasons, and ceremonies are still performed here, for further information see the links above.

Photo Gallery for Nanpean Church  - click on photo to enlarge, use side arrows in photo when hovered to browse



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